Wednesday, March 2, 2011

FaceTime So Mainstay

After successfully adopted the iPhone 4, iPod Touch, and Mac-based computers, FaceTime began to be introduced on the iPad 2. No wonder if Apple is so enthusiastic about introducing this application. FaceTime is in fact not a very new feature in the world of mobile telecommunications. Since it was first introduced 3G networks, video call to be the most reliable features. But the fact is not very widely used by users, such as in Indonesia. Moreover, the quality of the network that often become obstacles.

However, video calls Apple's version has its own way. FaceTime who first introduced the iPhone 4 utilizing the Internet as a medium. So do not directly use the cellular network like 3G video call which we are familiar. Via VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is FaceTime work. He brought at least four technologies. Among other coding decoding that uses the standard H-264 and ACC. Then the protocol to process the signal using SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) and IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). As for traversing firewalls and NAT using STUN him, TURN, and ICE. Furthermore, to process its real-time encryption and streaming media via RTP and SRTP utilize VoIP.

IPad format, FaceTime become more attractive, because the person you're talking motion picture size can be set-size 9.7-inch wide screen. Although actually, if a Mac is even greater. It is not owned by the video chat facility which is generally only a small resolution and looks cute on a computer screen.

FaceTime Apple purchased from a company called FaceTime Communications is very easy to use. Users only need to have an Apple ID to operate it. List of contacts available for you easily find the other person. Furthermore, as do regular voice calls.

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